Staron Marine Equipment Directive

Staron in colour Pharos holds a Marine Equipment Directive (MED) certification in accordance with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) regulations. While most ship-building materials are sensitive to heat and fire, Staron Pharos meets flammability requirements while having a beautiful aesthetic and design versatility to create an endless application in a marine environment.

Staron performs exceptionally around the harsh elements of the sea and is also light weight compared to many other surfaces, this makes Staron an excellent product for the marine industry. In addition the design flexibility of Staron allows for ingenuity to design for more compact spaces when required.

While most ship-building materials are sensitive to heat and fire, Staron Pharos meets flammability requirements and presents countless design opportunities for a marine project with its beautiful aesthetic and versatility.

Staron Colour

Pharos (GP111)

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